Block 410, Manhattan

A block in Lower East Side, Manhattan bounded by Ludlow Street, Rivington Street, Essex Street and Delancey Street. It is a fast-changing and lively block filled with trendy restaurants and bars along with old tenement, walk-up buildings.


The total population is of block 410 is 1,952 as of 2014, and almost 88% of them are White and Asian. The residents’ median age is 33, relatively young, and the median house hold income $81,024, which is higher than those of surrounding neighborhoods and New York City. Most of the housing units are renter-occupied units. Education attainment level is also high, with 66% of its population over 25 being college graduates, and 68% of the total residents are single. As such, block 410 is where young, single, highly educated and well-to-do people live.












Historically, the Lower East Side where block 410 is located in is a neighborhood that well captures the diversity of New York City. Beginning in the late 19th and early 20th, a large number of immigrants flowed into the neighborhood, most of the which were Germans, Italians, and other European Jewish immigrants. With another massive influx of immigrants from Puerto Rico and Asian in the 1960s and the 1970s, it become more radically integrated neighborhood, representing counter-culture like Beat generation, hippies and activists. Following several decades of postwar population loss and disinvestment, this area experienced ‘persistent poverty, crime, drugs, and abandoned housing. However, around the 1980s, it began to stabilize and attracted new residents like artists, students, and young professionals. More redevelopments and population inflow followed, and this area have been drastically gentrified ever since.



During the 2000s and more recently, block 410 went through drastic gentrification. White population increased substantially from 16.96% in 2000 to 44% in 2014. The median household income and rent in this block have also rose sharply. The physical landscape of the block also changed with this shift. Most notably, the Hotel on Rivington, a 20-story luxury hotel completed in 2015. The hotel’s expensive rates, ultramodern design, upscale bar, and trendy clientele have made it a trademark of gentrification in the neighborhood, along with another luxury high-rise building, Blue Condominium one block away.




Source: NYC Dep. of City Planning, US Census, NYC 311 Data, Old NYC, HPD